After years of avoiding this platform because of my lack of knowledge on what it's all about, now that I understand the community around it, and I am dipping my toes into animation more, I've decided I'd mess around on this page.
I'm a 20-year-old artist, and I've been drawing since I was very little, but as a passion for maybe the past 10 or so years. I am heavily inspired off of 80s and 90s animation, and my style is a love letter to that era. Especially Darkwing Duck lmao. I grew up on Who Framed Roger Rabbit and a bunch of those 90s movies, despite being an 2003 baby. (cue millennial shock or something, but that's a whole rant many of older gen z have gone over tenfold.)
I'm sure I sound waaaay too formal, but I literally don't know the culture around this community, I'll probably grow more unhinged as time goes on.